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專挑菜鳥店員! 詐欺嫌沒錢還罰金繼續騙
離譜!渣男冒妻詐情敵90萬 只判罰金5千 | 台灣蘋果日報
超跑女神詐6千萬 認罪沒錢賠!
"上次被騙的錢可以還" 詐騙又出新招│中視新聞 20170305
On the day of divorce,the ex-wife was anxious when she was dragged to get marriedby the beautifulCEO
20200118中天新聞 扯! 沒錢付車資 男竟叫司機載他「搶超商」
The CEO flew a helicopter to pick up his girlfriend to show his affection
利用PTT騙"鄉民" 詐欺男賣"酷玩"票騙百萬│中視新聞 20161215
3女童玩火燒死人 父母判賠613萬喊沒錢
電話假綁架真騙錢 鴛鴦詐欺犯落網|三立新聞台
20190319中天新聞 誆幹部「騙」布全台! 70超商店員遭詐700萬
賓士男撞死婦人 名下無產沒錢賠